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XML Study of patient satisfaction from nursing care and behaviors in Shahrekord ‎hospitals
neda parvin *, azam alavi, batool tahmasbi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Health care team practice in prevention of infection transmission in neonate ‎centers in Rasht city
minoomitra chehrzad *, zahra shafi poor, kolsoum fadakar
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Causes of pediatric heart disease in Rasht and its relationship with clinical ‎manifestation and demographic characteristic
minoomitra chehrzad *, zahra kamran, fatemeh yazdi, atefeh ghanbari
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Rate of depression in late-life in superannuated government employed center of ‎Guilan University of medical sciences
naeima khodadady *, farzaneh sheikholeslami, shadman rezamasuoleh, mohamadali yazdani
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML B- thalassemia children and quality of life: Does the present condition justify ‎children’s quality of life?‎
simin tahmasbi *, fereshteh aein, fereshteh heravi karimuoe
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Survey method of health care providing to children less than one year in health ‎departments
zahra mokhtari *, noshaz mir haghjo, shadman reza masuoleh, anooshirvan kazemnezhad
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Job satisfaction among psychiatric nurses in Shafa hospital in Rasht
mahin nadem *, naeima khodadadi, hasan ramzani, seyed moohamad javad muosavi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML View of students in Guilan University of medical sciences regarding sources of ‎counseling
farideh hasavari *, seyedeh fatemeh seyede fazelpour, mitra sedghi sabet
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
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